Friday, May 27, 2005

There, There, It's Okay

It was quite something to see Senator George V. Voinovich break down over John Bolton. As the V-man explained, he really loves his grandkids, thus his lachrymose fears that Bolton will not represent us properly. Or something like that.

I've seen tears sway people before, though mostly in movies, and the teary one was usually a woman. Do we need this in the Senate? Turn off the waterworks, George, it's just a UN ambassador. I won't be able to take it when we get to the Supreme Court.

Maybe ColumbusGuy could explain better what's going on, since this is his guy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it helps to have a good cry every now and then. Besides, maybe he was frightened by Bolton's mustache.

11:19 AM, May 27, 2005  

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