Thursday, September 22, 2005

Look For The Anti-Union Label

Mickey Kaus on fire today, talking about unions. I realize how important unions are in the Dem coalition, but I don't understand why we don't get more realistic pundits like Kaus when it comes to economic policy. As he points out, it's the Dems on his side, such as those in Clinton's administration, who win national elections. Meanwhile, mainstream (forget radical) leftists pundits act as if Mondale and Harkin are the way to paradise.

Sometimes Kaus has been so harsh people wonder if he actually is a liberal. Some even call him conservative. I remember talking to him a few days after the election. He'd been almost non-stop anti-Kerry and I said Come on, you're not really unhappy Bush won, are you? but he assured me he was. His criticism has always been because he wants his party to rise above itself.


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