Saturday, November 12, 2005


Good speech by Bush on the war on terror, but the question is will it have any effect. These days, critics of war will always have easy forums to complain and undermine any war, unless the war is over fast enough to beat their complaints. (I'm not saying they don't have the right to speak out, by the way--I'm just recognizing what they're doing, seems to me.) Wars are by their very nature horrible, and if they last long enough, it's hard to imagine things would be worse without them (this is the only justification for a war).

Of course, this is politics, too. The attacks on the war are coming more regularly, and succeeding better, because the public is more receptive to them. For a short period, things were reversed.

What I'm trying to say in my roundabout way I wonder whether big speeches, especially those not heard directly by most people, have as much effect as they once did. Sure, there's still the State Of The Union, and speeches made after tragedies when everyone is listening, but, by and large, I wonder how much Bush can gain back popularity at this point just by words.

(I must apologize. This is one of the worst written posts I've ever done. Maybe it's because ColumbusGuy is away and AnnArborGuy is absent, so I have to carry this blog on my back.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't that bad. I think I got it.

8:13 AM, November 12, 2005  

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