Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Get Out

Editor Kevin Naff of the gay-themed Houston Voice has outed two cable reporters, Anderson Cooper (CNN) and Shepard Smith (Fox News). Cooper, for one, has not discussed his sexuality because he feels he needs to mix in with others, and such information might get in the way. This has apparently unhinged Naff, who replies "Does [Cooper] believe that female and African-American reporters lack credibility to cover stories since their minority status is showing?"

First, the comparison of your own struggle with what blacks or women go through can be facile. Race isn't sex which isn't sexual orientation. (One of the differences, in fact, is you can determine the first two by looking at someone, while the third requires gaydar.)

But let's assume the analogy is perfect, and see if Naff still makes sense. Let's say some reporter has indeterminate racial characteristics and an interviewer asks her "are you white or black?" She might (and should) respond "what difference does it make, it's no one's business." And you know who'd be the first to support her? Kevin Naff.


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