Thursday, April 26, 2007

Let me whisper in your ear

"The head of the Democratic Party said Wednesday that the best way to get presidential candidates to talk frankly about issues is to lock out the media."

Yes, the candidates would love to be able to promise each voter something individually, with no one else able to hear. Just as companies would love to charge a price to each consumer individually, with no one else able to see.

QueensGuy replies: Ah, the joys of price discrimination! Such a pejorative-sounding term for a useful concept. (Niggardly, anyone?)

How's about a compromise, though? The press are allowed in, but with no recording devices. This way, a politician might be willing to deviate a bit from the talking points, knowing they won't have a Dean-Scream moment on the evening news, and any single slip of the tongue can be explained away with context, mishearing, etc. That really is what I (mostly) meant about broadcast being different than print media, by the by.

Columbus Guy says: You're kidding. Someone lost his job over saying niggardly? What's next? Niggling? The people who should have been fired were the ones who took offense.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything that means I don't have to see or read about politicians as much is all right with me.

8:02 PM, April 26, 2007  

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