Sunday, August 12, 2007


(Sorry the title of the post is so lame.)

Pretty sleazy cover from Newsweek. Not because it disagrees with global warming skeptics, but because it accuses them of dishonesty. It has the nerve to call them "well-funded."

1. Show me one skeptic who has written a piece or done research on global warming who doesn't believe what he's writing.

2. The money in favor of global warming is much larger than the money against it. In fact, if you're a scientist who doubts it, you may be putting your job on the line. You certainly open yourself up to significant ridicule.

Okay, I'm a bit late with this piece. My excuse is--who reads Newsweek any more?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Points 1 & 2 are equally applicable to proponents of intelligent design, safety of smoking and even some holocaust-deniers (as well as to many other causes and beliefs) so I am not sure that shows anything. Since most persons lack the basic knowledge and familiarity to independently analyze science or other data underlying the hypothesis, we are left to interpret it through lenses that we can understand- the qualifications of the speakers (though this is not much less confusing) and the reputation for truthfulness (ideologues being less believable than others), who pays and who benefits from research results, and what we can observe through our own talents (OK "common sense"). I do call recall Rachel Carson being denounced as a wacko
- there is a history of environmental concerns being pooh-poohed by interests that had something to lose from environmental policies

8:04 AM, August 12, 2007  

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