Monday, August 27, 2007

Not without my Bill

QueensGuy, resurrected, says it still ain't law (although I think it is va-loys').

I don't think we'll have international law until a U.S. president is dissuaded from military action, not by other-opinion and similar such albeit-painful-nonetheless-short-of-shoot-you consequences, but by the fear of jail. That's coming sooner than we think. I'd be surprised if a first-term Hillary!(tm) would jail W for his war crimes, but after that the bets are off. (Come to think of it, she might find it expedient to jail Bill. There isn't going to be a statute of limitations.)

And speaking of international law, here's as good an article as you'll find about the Great and Terrible Carla Del Ponte, who declined to prosecute Clinton at one point, and said prosecuting NATO was "not my priority." Well, all hail Carla and her priorities. My guess is W would be higher on her to-do list than Bill, but still not high enough.


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