Wednesday, November 21, 2007

And Then There Were Two

Just two more Heroes before the season is over. I'm about to discuss Monday's episode, so if you don't want to know, stop reading.

It was entitled "Cautionary Tales" but it should have been called "Dead Dads."

Continuing the feeling of deja vu this season, Hiro returns to the present (for some reason, at the point after Ando has read all about his adventures--why not just return earlier and tell him what happened), finds his dad has been killed, and goes back a week to save him. Didn't he learn last year with Charlie you can't go back in the past to change things. You can only come back from the future and change that.

The main story was about the Bennet's. A lot of reversals here as Claire did in one episode what it took all last season to do--go from suspicion to hatred to love of her father. Meanwhile, Suresh has done the 180 and was working against Noah. His life was in danger yet again, and even though he has no superpowers (his blood doesn't even work anymore), he has the support of Tim Kring, who spared him. It's not like a lot of fans would mourn his disappearance from the show.

But the heart of this plot, like a Greek tragedy, was about an ending that had already been foretold. With Claire and her boyfriend in the background, Noah would be shot in the head. We knew it was coming, but it still worked rather well. What we didn't see coming--the sort of shock ending that the fans loved in the first season--was Claire's blood saving the "dead" Noah.

Mr. Bennet is one of the best characters on the show, and also a rare non-hero--which ironically makes him special--so it was shocking that they would kill him off, even if everything was pointing to it. I didn't want to see him go, but it's pretty cheap to kill him and then bring him back. It does follow the Heroes policy of only killing the less popular leads.

We now see that Adam won't age, but is it really that hard to kill him (or Claire, for that matter)? You just separate his head from his body, and then keep cutting it into smaller parts. Claire can regenerate a toe, but a head? Speaking of Adam, why was George Takei so surprised that he was the one who'd murder him. He'd be my suspect number one.

More deja vu--not only is Claire another Adam (or vice versa), but Matt's new power to convince others sure seems a lot like the Pixie Chick's from the first season.

As usual, a lot of characters were left out--no Niki, no Micah, no Nathan, no Sylar, no Peter, no murder twins, and so on. And now that we've had a chance to see all the newbies, I'd say Kristen Bell is the best addition to the cast.


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