Thursday, December 13, 2007


So the Mitchell Report is out. All sorts of superstars have been implicated.

As I expected, the Report makes one thing clear: steroids have made baseball better.


Blogger New England Guy said...

I agree (in one way at least)with LA Guy. The crap about steroids ruining the purity of baseball and sticking asterisks on records and being cheating has always been a bit of a sideshow. Ball players and athletes have always tried to improve themselves to perform better. You can't compare records from now with records from the early era anyway. (NOTE-vitamins and nutrients and weight training machines available today but not in the golden age have probably done just as much to performance)

While the "cheating" angle has never bothered me, I still thinks steroid/HGH etc.. usage needs to banned (at least in their current form) from sports for the same reason that there are rules against heroin, cocaine and crack in sports (and society)- they are dangerous (especially to young athletes who think they are necessary) and, as long as they are illegal, they will invite (sorry- have invited) a scummy subculture into the sport, somewhat akin to gambling (although I don't think gambling involved sweaty naked guys inserting needles into each others' buttocks).

On the other hand, I think Jose Canseco had a point in his maligned tell-all "Juiced"- properly regulated, tested and dosed, all these performance enhancement drugs could do great things for the sport and medecines in general.

12:56 PM, December 13, 2007  

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