Wednesday, January 09, 2008

BB and AH on CR

I watched a bunch of pundits doing a New Hampshire postmortem on Charlie Rose.

Boy, I'd forgotten what a pompous jerk Bill Bradley is.

It was fun, however, watching Arianna Huffington trying to spin the results as positive for Obama.

(Speaking of which, here she is on her website:

The results from New Hampshire represent a crushing setback. Not for Barack Obama -- after all, only three weeks ago he was 12 points behind.

Yes, and three days ago he was 12 points ahead.

This was obviously a great night for Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Bill.

Was that a shot?

But also a very good night for [...] the long-term prospects of Barack Obama. The voters clearly want the nominee they pick to have fought for it. They don't want a coronation. And now Obama has a chance to prove to the skeptics his mettle under fire.

Lucky Obama, getting to prove himself rather than winning easily.

And were it not for the over-inflated expectations puffed up by the pollsters, Obama coming within two points of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, which has long been Clinton country -- with a superb organization and the support of the state's Democratic establishment -- would have been seen as a great showing.

Those nasty pollsters. Of course, she did cite (earlier, less meaningful) polls in the first paragraph when it served her purpose.)


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