Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How Now Dow Jones?

Sen. John McCain this morning said "greedy" Wall Street investors are partly to blame for what he said is probably an economic recession the nation is now suffering.

"There has to be a modification of the greedy behavior of some of these people," he said, using the word "greedy" repeatedly in remarks to the Associated Press annual meeting at the Washington Convention Center today.

I can now say with certainty that no matter who wins in November, it will be a Democrat.


Blogger New England Guy said...

Well he tried saying there was no problem and that didn't work so he corrected by about 180 degrees- how far do you think he's got through Greenspan's book yet?

Geez this is all more election year rhetoric- McCain's policies will be the same whether he calls the investor class greedy or not. (which they are and so what). He probably means tinkering with market regulation so as not to incent dealers to participate in risky schemes short w/ term profit at the expense of weakening the system- probably the same type of program a "fight for every job" Romney or Hoover would employ but with different rhetoric. The trade agreements will survive no matter how much people bash NAFTA in the rust belt. The Iraq troop withdrawals will no doubt be on the same schedule whether its characterized as a 100-year presence or an immediate withdrawal.

5:13 AM, April 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Trade Agreements will survive"?

Do you even bother to read the newspapers?

Regarding troop withdrawals, if the foaming-at-the-mouth Democratic base hadn't forced Hillary and Obama's hand, they could both act rationally and say after elected "you know what, now that I've looked at the intelligence on the ground, we'll have to delay the withdrawal", but no more. Sorry, they're locked into quick withdrawal, no matter how disastrous the consequences.

5:59 AM, April 15, 2008  

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