Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Irony, Man

David Denby in The New Yorker is unhappy with Iron Man. Early in the film, Tony Stark (the cool exec with a heart of steel who becomes Iron Man) is captured by terrorists, and what happens next? They "waterboard Tony Stark, which, considering what some American interrogators and their surrogates have done to suspects recently, is enraging to watch."

This actually makes David Denby mad. Apparently, there is to be no waterboarding in any film unless Americans do it.

Denby then adds "it’s worth noting that, possibly, more Americans will see this dunderheaded fantasia on its opening weekend than have seen all the features and documentaries that have labored to show what’s happening in Iraq and on the home front."

I don't agree. It's not worth noting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK- no references to Iraq in entertainment columns. These dim bulbs hurt both sides of the argument

6:44 AM, April 29, 2008  

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