Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Little More Lost

"Cabin Fever" was a good episode, but (Lost spoilers coming up):

1) More eyes.

2) Locke is still my favorite character, but I don't like how others are watching over him and giving him advice. It makes him weaker, as if he's not the one controlling his destiny. It also makes his adventures on the island less, not more, important, since they're not based on what he decides to do. (Very similar to how Lucas weakened the original Star Wars movies by having everything planned and everyone close together from the start int he prequels. Lost is halfway to having midi-chlorians.) I have similar problems with the inability of Michael to be killed, since this cuts down on free will.

3) Doug Hutchison made such an impression on me as Percy Wetmore in The Green Mile that it's hard for me not to think of that when he plays Horace.

4) Interesting to see Hurley and Ben speaking to each other, since these are the two who spin their dialogue the most.

5) I don't know who'll survive the finale (actually, I do know some of them), but I'd guess the shortened season considerably hurt the parts played by Fisher Stevens and Zoe Bell.

6) Michael sent a message to Desmond and Sayid not to trust the Captain. Looks like he was wrong.


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