Sunday, June 01, 2008

Lost Locked

Big spoilers ahead, for I'm going to discuss the Lost finale. Actually, I'm mostly going to discuss one aspect--the final moment when we discover the man in the coffin, Jeremy Bentham, is actually John Locke. So Locke is dead. Or should that be "Locke is dead?"

Locke is my favorite character, and there's no doubt he'll be back, one way or another. Dying on Lost doesn't mean you're gone, it just means you're not a regular anymore.

But in Locke's case, he will probably still be a regular since we know from the flashforward that he's got work to do, both on the island (where things fall apart) and back on the mainland where he regularly meets with his old pals. Season four was a lot of action to catch us up to the end of season three. It looks like season five will be taken up with how the Oceanic 6 do what Jack said they needed to do at the end of season three.

But beyond that, can we be sure Locke is truly dead? I'm guessing he is, as much as I don't like it. I didn't think he was dead after Ben shot him and left him in the pit, but this time can they go back on it? Here are some theories that keep him in the thick of things. 1) The island cured him before, it can cure him again--though this is sure a pretty amazing cure. But once he gets back, he can be revived. 2) He's fooling people, to get them back, just as he fooled Hurley. But why would his dying mean anything to them--they knew about it and Kate, for one, didn't seem to particularly care. 3) Like Christian and perhaps Claire, he can be active on the island even if he's dead back on the mainland. 4) The time travel solution will allow them to not only go back i time when he's alive, but perhaps even change the present. (Didn't one of the Star Treks do this?) 5) He's Jacob and he'll rule from there, having people follow his orders to save the island, and maybe save him.

Also, we know Sun blames two people for Jin's death. One is her father, but who's the second. There are three obvious suspects--Widmore, who sent the freighter to kill everyone, Ben, who killed Keamy which meant the boat blew up, or Jack, who left Jin behind. They all make sense, though I'd guess Jack is the best bet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought she was blaming herself second. (She caused him to go on the trip in the first place, due to her infidelity, etc.)

11:03 AM, June 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another theory-multiple time Lockes.

1:20 AM, June 05, 2008  

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