Monday, November 17, 2008

The Discursive Joys of Internet Research.

While looking up information about Daphne du Maurier's historical novel "Mary Anne" (a novel about an ancestor of hers who was mistress to the Duke of York [the grand old one who marched 10,000 men up and down the hill and later George IV] in the the early 19th century), I was mistakenly linked on the authoress's Wikipedia page to Dawn Wells, who legendarily played "Mary Ann" on Gilligan's Island. Dawn had some recent run-ins with Idaho sheriffs over some marijuana issues (she has a cute-as-a-button mugshot) which she is disputing and also apparently turned 70 last month, in fact I learned that she is only a few weeks younger than my mother.

Somewhat similar to William Saletan's reaction in Slate concerning the recent occurrences of gentlemen whose mother in laws are carrying their children (as a proxy for a medically-impaired wife), I never want to hear the "Ginger or Mary Ann?" question again.

[ will add links later]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it "mothers-in-law"?

8:02 AM, November 17, 2008  

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