Tuesday, December 09, 2008

You Just Might Find You Get What You Need

Another story about liberals being disenchanted with Obama's picks. It's all rather silly.

First, the guy isn't in office yet. At least wait until he does something.

Second, the President sets the agenda. That's incomparably more important than who he picks.

Third, we don't know how he'll lead, but he ran, once he got to the general election, as a centrist. Leftists may have believed this was a ploy (and perhaps it was), but that should have least given them some warning as to how he operates.

And finally, there are all sorts of changes--massive changes--that can be accomplished without a shot being fired. New regulations, different interpretations of the law (when the President does it, that means it's not illegal), and the appointments of judges can make huge differences and will mostly operate below the surface. The same goes, to some extent, for foreign policy. Then there are relatively popular laws that liberals can pass, if properly packaged. If Obama's supporters want him to stir things up instead by immediately taking on a panoply of controversial issues, they might ask themselves is this is the best strategy to get what they want?


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