Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Anna, Jayma, Jayma, Anna

I've noted how Observe And Report is the anti-Paul Blart. Stil, on the surface, it's fascinating how similar these two films are. And considering how they were developed around the same time, it's doubtful one was copying the other.

First, of course, they're both mall cop movies--not the biggest genre.

Second, they both star highly successful, chubby comedy stars.

Third, in Paul Blart, it's made clear his duties are to "Observe and Report."

Fourth, Report's leading lady is Anna Farris. Blart's is Jayma Mays.
Mays starred in Epic Movie, one of those parody movies of the type that usually star Anna Farris--when I saw it I guessed they hired her because they hoped audiences might think it's Anna.

PS I knew I'd seen Jayma Mays before, even earlier than Epic Movie, so I checked and to my surprise, she was Charlie Andrews on Heroes. I thought Charlie was older. Charlie's power was the ability to memorize anything immediately and completely. She was probably my favorite character on the show to be killed off.


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