Thursday, July 16, 2009

Election Results

Suffice it to say, if the courts had named boring old Norm Coleman as the Senator from Minnesota, media outlets would not have the excuse to run old Saturday Night bits like this one about the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings in 1991. (I suspect there will be more of this in the future) In what was I remember was maybe not one of the show's best periods, this sketch has always stayed with me. Whats amazing is that almost all of the actors in this sketch went on to bigger things- Al Franken, Dana Carvey, Chris Rock, the deceased Phil Hartman and Chris Farley. Kevin Nealon and even Tim Meadows (I think he's the account rep on the Office that can be bribed by long lunches at Chili's) regularly show up on TV/Cable shows. The only one I am not recalling (and am too lazy to look up) is the actress playing Anita Hill. Was struck by how much the serious but somewhat idiotic-looking staffers milling about behind the main speakers in the sketch were so much like the serious idiots milling about behind the actual serious but somewhat idiotic-looking staffers milling about behind the Senators in the Judge Sonia hearings.

(In the middle of writing this post yesterday, I was forced to evaculate my building due to a large fire at a closeby historic and decrepit old mill building. it was quite the show and if I could blot out the views of the fat guys in shorts who brought out lawn chairs to sit and watch it in the next door parking lot, it was quite a terrifying wall of flame. Flames eventually jumped to another larger abandoned building behind the crowd which forced them (maybe 100-200+ spectators) to flee in a sudden panic which is actually scarier than a fire in some ways. Luckily the peace officers got around to securing the area and the firefighters stopped the fire from spreading and downtown didn't burn down)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The courts don't name anyone the winner. They simply allow or dissallow certain types of recounts. After Bush v. Gore, the media descended on Florida and recounted for months. The only reason no one thinks much about this is because they discovered under any system of counting that had ever been done, or was being contemplated, Bush won. Franken learned from this and quickly gamed the system, making sure that Franken counties got liberal vote-counting methods, while Coleman counties got strict counting methods. So congratulations Al, once that happened, unless the courts ordered the same counting everyone, which they were never going to do, you successfully stole the election. Since the "correct" person won this time, don't expect the media to descend upon Minnesota to correct that impression.

8:36 AM, July 16, 2009  
Blogger New England Guy said...

Hey Anon- You need to get out more

9:52 AM, July 16, 2009  

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