Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Professor, A Police Officer And A President Go Into A Bar...

Today is the big White House happy hour where President Obama will host Professor Gates and Officer Crowley. It's a clear sign that Obama recognizes how much he screwed up, but I'd be truly curious to know what Gates and Crowley think.

Does either feel he made a mistake? Did Gates figure he could get away with assuming the officer was a racist and now realizes a lot of people are against him? Does Crowley think maybe he shouldn't have arrested this guy, even if he wasn't responding to Crowley's demands?

They've both had plenty of time to calm down. Has either changed his mind? They'd both like the other to apologize. Will either step up?

Unfortunately, this is a publicity stunt, and I'd guess there's not gonna be much substance here. (Substance abuse, perhaps.) I'd prefer if they actually got together in a meeting no one knew about. Then they could actually say what they believe.


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