Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Deadline

Al Gore has said we have "ten years or less" to do something about global warming (as he called it then) before it's too late. Alas, I don't know the first time he said it, so I'm not sure when our time runs out.

Luckily, we now have this statement from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

We have the power to change course. But we must do it now.

As we move toward Copenhagen in December, we must “Seal a Deal” on climate change that secures our common future. [...] We must seal the deal in Copenhagen for the future of humanity.

We have just four months. Four months to secure the future of our planet.

So four months or it's too late? Fine. Just promise me one thing--if we don't "seal the deal" by then, I'll go along that it's too late if you'll stop hectoring us about how we must take action now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't mean it was necessary to save the world. He meant people are figuring out that it's a fraud, and if they don't get the deal sealed now, they'll never get it sealed.

5:15 AM, August 13, 2009  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

I think after this summer of "discontent", Cap & Trade is largely dead when Congress comes back. Whether they "seal" a deal in 4 months, it is really clear that there will not be substantial reduction of human CO2 output in the next decade - primarily because China and India are going to massively increase output. Cap & Trade then, if it passes, will be nothing nmore than a tax on consumers designed to push this economy toward more expensive "green energy production.

Then in 5 years, if temperatures have not increased, and sea levels have not risen, Global Warming/Climate Change will join all the other forgotten eco-scares of the past, like the loss of the rain forests, Alar, Ozone depletion, acid rain, nuclear melt-downs, love canal,- oh - and of course, global cooling.

8:50 AM, August 13, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Let me note I'm not commenting on the threat of climate change, just on empty posturing and non-scientific deadlines with fake precision.

10:55 AM, August 13, 2009  

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