Thursday, February 18, 2010

No Soup For You

Interesting interview with Jared Harris, who plays the uptight British businessman on Mad Men. His best story is about what a jerk Oliver Stone was on Natural Born Killers, trying to pick up Harris's girlfriend right in front him.

Harris played Andy Warhol in I Shot Andy Warhol. He's not the first to portray Andy on screen. Harris had an interesting suggestion:

...I tried to get my manager to get us onto Saturday Night Live, because I thought it would be fun if David Bowie and I went on Saturday Night Live and did dueling Warhols, like “Dueling Banjos,” and have the banjo and the guitar, and have someone playing it, because I can’t play. But all those little musical breaks during “Dueling Banjos,” we’d do different lines of classic Warhol things like “Oh, gee, golly,” that kind of thing. Just do this weird little riff. Dueling Warhols. I thought that would be a laugh.

Harris can't be unaware that this precise concept was done on SNL with John Belushi and Peter Boyle as "Dueling Brandos," can he?


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