Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slightest Bit Of Evidence?

"There are a lot of liberals who need to be retired this year, but there are few I can think of more deserving than Keith Ellison. Ellison is one of the most radical members of congress. He has a ZERO rating from the American Conservative Union. He is the only Muslim member of congress. He supports the Counsel for American Islamic Relations, HAMAS and has helped congress send millions of tax to terrorists in Gaza."

By the by, there's another Muslim in Congress, Andre Carson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually if we can use Islamic religious belief as a negative & use to get people out of Congress, maybe that can be an inroad into getting the rest of the superstitious (e.g. the Judeo-Christian types)of out office too.

Thank you Tp'ers for inadvertently advancing the cause of rationality

7:41 AM, October 27, 2010  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Is this part of the continuing misunderstanding of my post about whether John Edwards would be attacked less than a President with a different name?

9:35 AM, October 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a mistake in punctuation. The highlighted sentence should end with a dash, not a period. Anyway, a nice break from the Left's Christian-bashing.

The funny thing is this comes from The Maddow Blog. Rachel Maddow recently claimed a Republican Congressman knew about the Oklahoma City bombing beforehand and didn't do anything about it. When someone pointed out her mistake, she gave gave a non-apology apology. Getting things wrong and giving false impressions of the right are her specialty.

10:00 AM, October 27, 2010  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

Is this part of the continuing misunderstanding of my post about whether John Edwards would be attacked less than a President with a different name?

Yup. I even linked the title of my post back to yours. Just checking to see if direct evidence of tea party bigotry against Muslim elected officials would count as the slightest bit of evidence against your premise. Guess not.

Anon 1, great job of turning lemons to lemonade!

Anon 3, agreed that Maddow is a hypocrite.

7:11 PM, October 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, QG, instead of spending so much effort on silliness, why not move on to the good stuff?

If LAG had said "substantially no" instead of "slightest bit", you'd have nothing to say, which renders the whole thing as uninteresting as if you'd decided to put as much effort into identifying Bush Chimp signs.

Here's a nice piece by CATO about the Libertarian Christian split in the Tea Party. I suppose I'm more friendly to the Christian culture they're identifying here than I suspect you are, but I know we're both strong libertarians.

3:09 AM, October 29, 2010  

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