Friday, October 28, 2011

Star Wars Wars

I've been enjoying David S. Cohen's book on the stories behind 25 different screenplays, but was stopped short by this paragraph in the chapter on The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy:

In that battle of the 2005 space-opera debuts, then, George Lucas got the last laugh.  Revenge Of The Sith was hailed as probably the second best of all the Star Wars movies, behind only The Empire Strikes Back, and while it didn't gross as much as some of its predecessors, it probably dropped nine figures' worth of profit into Lucas's coffers.

Who was doing this hailing?  Sith is generally considered to be the best of the prequel trilogy, but I don't know a single person who thinks it's the second-best of all the Star Wars film.  Just about everyone agrees the first two made are the best (though they battle over the order--odd Cohen just assumes it's Empire).  For that matter, I think the general feeling is the third of the original trilogy, Return Of The Jedi, is better than the prequels.

PS  Now that Lucas is tinkering with Return, maybe it will drop lower in fans' estimation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. Return of the Jedi had the teddy bears and simply reran the destruction of the Death Star. It was a workmanlike conclusion to an exciting series. I think Episode 3 eclipses it (I think they do the angst of betrayal pretty well) and Episode 6 is about as good as Episode 2 except it gets the nod for having a conclusion (oh, and the gold bikini)

5:25 AM, October 28, 2011  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

I'm mostly alone in this, but I thought each of the prequels got progressively worse. None is as good as any of the original three, but Phantom menace is my favorite of the prequels, despite the hokey gimmicks of young Anikin defeating the merchant space fleet. At least I felt like the universe was consistent with the prequels. Clones and Sith were even hokier, and (imho) destroyed the backstory for the original trilogy.

8:35 AM, October 28, 2011  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

By the way, how does Jimmy Smits get in on that picture? He had like three lines across all three prequels.

2:28 PM, October 28, 2011  

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