Sunday, October 14, 2012

Citizens United

I just got a letter from Public Citizen with an enclosed petition I'm supposed to send to my Senators demanding single payer health care.  There's even a pre-addressed envelope (though the stamp isn't pre-paid so that's the end of that).

Apparently, I should support single payer because the lack of it is killing 45,000 Americans a year.  They don't say where they get this number (it's from a Harvard study that compares the insured and uninsured) but why would they lie?  They also promise single payer isn't socialized medicine, that under it everything will cost less and be more efficient, that getting rid of profits will not effect the quality of care, and a bunch of other good things.

Oh, they're also asking me for a contribution (and since they're a non-profit group that's okay).

They note it may seem odd to be going for single payer after that huge fight we just went through over health insurance.  I'll tell you what, Public Citizen--since we both agree Obamacare is a bad idea, let's get rid of that first. When it's dead and buried, I'll be glad to have an open debate over what to do next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not socialized medicine? Tell me more!

2:59 AM, October 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fight- the blip in rhetoric? Obamacare (no doubt to renamed FreedomPatriotCare or some such under the next red state admin) is here for good- too many people are due to make too much money for it to change now

4:44 AM, October 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm afraid that's true. Only a small chance Romney will lead a fight at all, much less a successful one, and same for a resurgent Congress.

Although if Romney does win big, as I expect, it's clear that Obamacare will be a big reason why (how deliciously ironic is that? The primary reason I opposed Romney to begin with, and now he's the only (small) chance)

The good news is the system will devastate both American health care and the economy, so it won't in fact last too long--say not more than our lifetimes. And those lifetimes will be pretty short under this plan.

5:03 AM, October 14, 2012  

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