Tuesday, November 06, 2012


I promise this is the last time I'll write about the election (until later). While I still thinks we can be fairly confident how it'll turn out, it was even more obvious four years ago.

Anyway, I watched and listened to a bunch of pundits yesterday, right and left, and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I thought the Democrats looked and sounded confident while the Republicans seemed more on the defensive.  I'm not saying the latter didn't talk a good game, but it generally seemed more hollow, or at least more qualified, than when the Democrats did it. No matter, we'll know the results soon enough.

Some Republicans even seemed ready to start recriminations, listing the mistakes Romney made--usually related to the idea that he played defense in the last few weeks. (Some also started blaming the media, though that's a separate issue.)

There was also a general feeling on the right that Hurricane Sandy is a central factor in Obama's bounce, while some on the left wanted to discount the theory, saying Obama was coming back anyway.  I guess if Obama wins in a reasonably close battle, we'll never know if it made the difference.  Some Republicans added that things are still awful in the wake of Sandy, and if there were another few days before the election, the public would turn completely on the issue.  Even if true, all I can say is timing is everything.

Which brings me to the right's last big hope.  It's a thin reed, but I guess they'll take what they can get.  They claim after last week, where Obama had a big rebound, there's now a counter-rebound.  Maybe not huge, but the voters are moving back to Romney.  This is possible though, from my view of the latest polling, it's so small it may not even exist.

So it's now up to the voters (many of whom have already voted).  And there are probably still millions who haven't decided yet.  Imagine--closing the curtain and still not knowing which way you're going.

When you read this, I may be at my polling place, where I know my vote for President (and Senator) can't possibly count.  But hey, at least we've got some wacky propositions to vote against.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This race is over. What happens next?

-Tax cut extensions
-Fiscal Cliff
-2016 candidates

I think the rest of November is going to be taken up with suffering NY/NJ'ers in the aftermath of Sandy and all sorts of 2d guessing about the timing of the storm and the election. Expect to get a lot of articles about the true (pre WW2) meaning of "kamikaze" or divine wind

7:25 AM, November 06, 2012  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

My vote means even less than yours, now that I live in DC. And I spent just over an hour in line.

But it was fun. People in this part of DC are very talkative. Also, we only had three initiatives, one of which said that a convicted felon can't be mayor, and another that a convicted felon can't be on the city council. I wonder if they will thin out the council membership even more effectively than a term limits law would?

2:36 PM, November 06, 2012  

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