Sunday, March 15, 2015

This Isn't Her Second Memoir, Is It?

I just read Andrea Martin's Lady Parts.  Unlike SCTV costar Martin Short's recent book--which was better than expected--this was a disappointment.

Martin (Andrea, that is) takes a scattershot approach, with each chapter haphazardly looking at various aspects of her life and interests.  Quite a lot of it is, shall we say, skippable.  In any case, I would have much preferred something more chronological--I bet her publisher would have as well.  Maybe she thought this would be some sort of straitjacket, but hey, they're paying you, Andrea, do a little rewriting.

And let's face it, while Martin has had a long and varied career, working in TV, movies and on stage, her best work, and what she's known for, is her Second City material.  She should have devoted a fair amount of the book to those years.  Instead, we get one chapter at the end where she looks back on those days.  Considering its placement, I have to wonder if she wasn't sending in chapters and finally her exasperated editor said "this is fine, Andrea, but where's the SCTV stuff?"


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