Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Decade Of Truth

A doctor told me I had six months to live.  I said I couldn't pay his bill so he gave me another six months.

You probably know that joke.  I get the feeling we're going to hear another version soon.  That's because ten years ago Al Gore was at the Sundance Film Festival debuting his hit documentary on climate change, An Inconvenient Truth.  Back then Al was warning us we had ten years to solve this problem before it was too late.

Here it is, ten years later.  So I guess it's too late.  Or will Al give us a ten-year extension?

There are other possibilities.  Maybe we solved the problem--we've had a lot of climate change conferences, after all, that's got to mean something.  Or maybe the world has ended and I didn't notice. (That was a Zippy the Pinhead cartoon punchline I saw years ago but I can't find it to link to.)

Or maybe Al Gore is not a scientist but a politician prone to making statements about science that he can't back up and doesn't even fully understand.  I know that that sounds pretty silly, but we've got to consider every possibility when the Earth is at stake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A somewhat ignorant post

5:17 AM, January 23, 2016  
Blogger ColumbusGuy said...

A wasted comment. Been drinking much global warming cool aid?

10:22 AM, January 23, 2016  
Blogger LAGuy said...

If the post is ignorant, please enlighten me. Gore simply made an unscientific statement which was foolish back then, and is even more obviously so today.

12:38 PM, January 23, 2016  
Anonymous Denver Guy said...

Honestly, I feel like warmists have given up trying to present counterarguments to valid points made by the other side. What seems abundently clear to me is the annual temperature is much more driven by the sun (lack or presence of sun spots) and El Nino's than it is by an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere from .3% to .4% over the past 100 years. Satellite temperature readings since 1978 show peaks in El Nino years, and a variation in global peaks of about a half degree Celsius from year to year. 2015 was the 3rd warmest year in the small dataset. !998 was the highest and 1980 the lowest. Combined with teh rampant adjustment of historical temperature readings before the 1970, adjustment of temps that were considered reliable until someone was trying to make an argument, and I just don't worry about gobal warming (and who would worry climate change - it has to change as it always has over time).

8:11 AM, January 25, 2016  
Blogger LAGuy said...

I'm not even talking about whether or not we should be worried. I'm just talking about Al Gore (and other non-scientists) making statements they can't back up, and then acting like anyone who disagrees with them must not understand the subject.

10:16 AM, January 25, 2016  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And for the wrong reason!"

Like it or not, LAGuy, it makes a difference whether the assertion aligns with a correct conclusion, even if it is insufficient or even technically wrong because it misstates an element of the logic.

But of course that's the rub. Everyone is invested in their big, correct conclusion, and can't be bothered to sweat the details.

4:54 AM, January 26, 2016  

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